Thursday 23 July 2009

Press Conference - North Team

After watching the press conference of the South yesterday today was the turn of the North to go in front of the waiting media. The location was kept a secret till the last minute so the press were camped outside various locations for days. Leeds United, Elland Road was the odds on favourite to hold the conference but late last night events took a turn as there was breaking news that a lot of media was in the Glasgow area. It was later revealed Tari had a wedding in Glasgow and had told journalists going from Slough that to get to Elland Road they would have to go via Glasgow and if they took him he would show them the way.

Finally the location was revealed as the Sportsman Pub in West Bromwich leading to a mad media scramble to reach the venue on time. Herbie and Kal arrived signing a few autographs on the way with Herbie also pocketing some free entry cards to Angels on the sly which were being handed out by a gentleman at the bottom of the stairs. Barman Amrik had drinks waiting for both Captains but before Herbie could take a sip Kal scolded him and reminded Herbie that there was a strict drinking ban on the North Team. The Captains took their place in front of the media and waited for their questions…..they waited…..and waited! It was then Kal lost his patience and temper and rose to shout ‘can the media please stop stuffing their faces with the mixed grill, we are here for a press conference and not here for you to enjoy the food’. The media men reluctantly put down their giant size kebabs and pork chops and turned to the two Captains for the press conference.

Below is the Full Press Conference

How have you found the preparation of the team compared to last year?

The preparation has been good...certain people had issues with me and Kal being joint captain and threatening not to play, but after discussions with the team everything was sorted out. I know the Bummy lads have been practising well and I have been playing a few matches for my local team, so overall the preparation has been very good

You know the majority of your side from last year but have some new comers in Josh, Tony, Viks and Serg – how have they settled in the team?

The new lads have settled in very well. They have had to pass a test to see if they were true northerners...but they all failed miserably!!! The test was to hum the theme tune to Emmerdale farm!!!!!

As well as getting the four players you also lost four good players from last year in Bob, Rocking Priest, Vish and Balbinder. Will these 4 not playing be a big loss?

Bob, Vish and Balbinder will be missed for various reasons. All three of them contributed really well with the bat and ball. It will be a test for the four new players, but i know they won't let me, Kal or the rest of the team down

Last years wicket though not looking the best played very well, how are you preparing for this years wicket with rumours spreading it could be a green top?

Last years wicket was not the best I agree, but we have our own special plans which will be used on the day.

Do the North have any injuries to report? We broke the story of Bob Singh not playing exclusively last week and know that must be a big blow

Bob Singh is not playing which is a loss and also Kunal but the players that have come into the team I am sure will give 120% once they cross the boundary rope

Going on to the joint captaincy – how do you see yourselves as captains? Are you similar or is it a case of opposites attract?

We are similar captains. Our ideas are the same. We don’t take tutti from nobody...we have both worked well over the last couple of weeks getting our squad together and to be honest we have done a good job

Kal has been training the Birmingham members we hear regularly. Are you hoping this is going to pay off with wickets and runs?

Without a shadow of a doubt....I have been receiving regular updates from Kal on how the Brummy lads have been doing. He has been impressed with the improvements made from last year

We had a scorching day last year with the weather. We could have a mix of weather situations on Saturday, is the team capable of being up to the task of the weather as well as the South

Whatever the conditions are the North team will be up for it

Though I am sure you are not going to tell me but do you have any preference of whether you bat or bowl first on Saturday?

That is the 64 million dollar question!!!!!

Last year bowlers only had to bowl one over, this year it is going to be two over’s each. How are the bowlers coming along, especially those who don’t play regularly?

All the bowlers have been bowling well in the nets or in game situations. I know 2/3 don't play as much as they want to but the time we have before the game on Saturday will give me and Kal an idea of who is going to bowl when

Is there anyone in the South or a few players who you could say are the ‘danger’ players to your team. Do you have any special plans for them?

We have special plans for all of them!!!!

Where the South struggled last year in the middle over’s the North excelled, especially having vital partnerships and scoring quickly. Will you be looking for more batsmen to stand up and be counted this year?

Definitely...our batting line up will show that on the day. Each batsman has a responsibility to score runs and build partnerships. Last year we did this very well...we shall be looking to do the same again this year

Fielding is key on small pitches so do you have specific plans for specific players?

We have plans for each member of the south team!!!!

One question the CDISC press was wondering is who is going to call the coin toss?

As Kal is the biggest tosser of them all...I will let him do it!!!.LOL

Finally do you have a message for your team and fans past Watford Gap as you go into Saturday’s huge game


With this final rally call Captains Kal and Herbie were lifted in the air by their adoring fans and carried out to deafening cheers and support all around them

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