Thursday 23 July 2009

Press Conference - North Team

After watching the press conference of the South yesterday today was the turn of the North to go in front of the waiting media. The location was kept a secret till the last minute so the press were camped outside various locations for days. Leeds United, Elland Road was the odds on favourite to hold the conference but late last night events took a turn as there was breaking news that a lot of media was in the Glasgow area. It was later revealed Tari had a wedding in Glasgow and had told journalists going from Slough that to get to Elland Road they would have to go via Glasgow and if they took him he would show them the way.

Finally the location was revealed as the Sportsman Pub in West Bromwich leading to a mad media scramble to reach the venue on time. Herbie and Kal arrived signing a few autographs on the way with Herbie also pocketing some free entry cards to Angels on the sly which were being handed out by a gentleman at the bottom of the stairs. Barman Amrik had drinks waiting for both Captains but before Herbie could take a sip Kal scolded him and reminded Herbie that there was a strict drinking ban on the North Team. The Captains took their place in front of the media and waited for their questions…..they waited…..and waited! It was then Kal lost his patience and temper and rose to shout ‘can the media please stop stuffing their faces with the mixed grill, we are here for a press conference and not here for you to enjoy the food’. The media men reluctantly put down their giant size kebabs and pork chops and turned to the two Captains for the press conference.

Below is the Full Press Conference

How have you found the preparation of the team compared to last year?

The preparation has been good...certain people had issues with me and Kal being joint captain and threatening not to play, but after discussions with the team everything was sorted out. I know the Bummy lads have been practising well and I have been playing a few matches for my local team, so overall the preparation has been very good

You know the majority of your side from last year but have some new comers in Josh, Tony, Viks and Serg – how have they settled in the team?

The new lads have settled in very well. They have had to pass a test to see if they were true northerners...but they all failed miserably!!! The test was to hum the theme tune to Emmerdale farm!!!!!

As well as getting the four players you also lost four good players from last year in Bob, Rocking Priest, Vish and Balbinder. Will these 4 not playing be a big loss?

Bob, Vish and Balbinder will be missed for various reasons. All three of them contributed really well with the bat and ball. It will be a test for the four new players, but i know they won't let me, Kal or the rest of the team down

Last years wicket though not looking the best played very well, how are you preparing for this years wicket with rumours spreading it could be a green top?

Last years wicket was not the best I agree, but we have our own special plans which will be used on the day.

Do the North have any injuries to report? We broke the story of Bob Singh not playing exclusively last week and know that must be a big blow

Bob Singh is not playing which is a loss and also Kunal but the players that have come into the team I am sure will give 120% once they cross the boundary rope

Going on to the joint captaincy – how do you see yourselves as captains? Are you similar or is it a case of opposites attract?

We are similar captains. Our ideas are the same. We don’t take tutti from nobody...we have both worked well over the last couple of weeks getting our squad together and to be honest we have done a good job

Kal has been training the Birmingham members we hear regularly. Are you hoping this is going to pay off with wickets and runs?

Without a shadow of a doubt....I have been receiving regular updates from Kal on how the Brummy lads have been doing. He has been impressed with the improvements made from last year

We had a scorching day last year with the weather. We could have a mix of weather situations on Saturday, is the team capable of being up to the task of the weather as well as the South

Whatever the conditions are the North team will be up for it

Though I am sure you are not going to tell me but do you have any preference of whether you bat or bowl first on Saturday?

That is the 64 million dollar question!!!!!

Last year bowlers only had to bowl one over, this year it is going to be two over’s each. How are the bowlers coming along, especially those who don’t play regularly?

All the bowlers have been bowling well in the nets or in game situations. I know 2/3 don't play as much as they want to but the time we have before the game on Saturday will give me and Kal an idea of who is going to bowl when

Is there anyone in the South or a few players who you could say are the ‘danger’ players to your team. Do you have any special plans for them?

We have special plans for all of them!!!!

Where the South struggled last year in the middle over’s the North excelled, especially having vital partnerships and scoring quickly. Will you be looking for more batsmen to stand up and be counted this year?

Definitely...our batting line up will show that on the day. Each batsman has a responsibility to score runs and build partnerships. Last year we did this very well...we shall be looking to do the same again this year

Fielding is key on small pitches so do you have specific plans for specific players?

We have plans for each member of the south team!!!!

One question the CDISC press was wondering is who is going to call the coin toss?

As Kal is the biggest tosser of them all...I will let him do it!!!.LOL

Finally do you have a message for your team and fans past Watford Gap as you go into Saturday’s huge game


With this final rally call Captains Kal and Herbie were lifted in the air by their adoring fans and carried out to deafening cheers and support all around them

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Press Conference - South Team

Today members of the press association from the UK and India were given a rare open question interview with South Team Captain Daddy J. After initial confusion that Daddy J will be holding the press conference with the MCC leading all press turning up in their best suits it was then realised the skipper meant another type of MCC! The skipper looked relaxed while sipping on his alcopops and was unnerved as the press questioned him on numerous issues. The only controversial moment came when a journalist from the North, the Birmingham Echo, attempted to throw a slipper in his direction which he calmly caught one handed and shouted ‘howzat!’ to a rapturous applause and laughter from the press. Daddy J’s personal bodyguards Ricky and Imran removed the offending journalist with Imran insisting he deals with him in his own special way.

Below is the Full Press Conference.

How have you found the preparation of the team compared to last year?

There has been no difference, the boys know what they have to do.

You know the majority of your side from last year but have three new comers in Haps, Rikz and Arsh – how have they settled in the team?

I know what Haps and Arsh do so that makes my life easier. Rikz I am not sure but this was the same case with many players last year who then went on to perform really well.

As well as getting the three players you also lost three good players from last year in Sandeep, Lal and Jigs. Will these 3 not playing be a big loss

Yes we will. Lal/Sunny partnership won the game for us and Jigs picked up a couple of wickets so it is a big loss.

Last years wicket though not looking the best played very well, how are you preparing for this years wicket with rumours spreading it could be a green top?

Its hard to judge the wicket, the forcast is rain this year so we will have to take a look on the morning of the game.

Do the South have any injuries to report? Haps went down with a foot injury a few weeks ago – how is he coming along?

Yes we have a few injuries but I am hoping they will be fit. I have told them to also stay away from the WAG’s.

Going on to your captaincy – how do you see yourself as a captain? Are you a mild mannered Rahul Dravid, A strong Sourav Ganguly or are you the modern type like MSD?

I’m a bit of a mixture of Dada and MSD I think.

Vik once again is your vice captain – do you two bounce idea’s of each other. Does he bring in new idea’s for you to consider?

Yes I have been in regular contact with Vik, we have a good relationship and have been talking a lot, its always good to get a different opinion from the vice skipper.

We had a scorching day last year with the weather. We could have a mix of weather situations on Saturday, is the team capable of being up to the task of the weather as well as the North

It’s a tough one, no one knows.

Though I am sure you are not going to tell me but do you have any preference of whether you bat or bowl first on Saturday?

Like I mentioned before to the journalist from India I will have to take a good look at the wicket before I decide.

Last year bowlers only had to bowl one over, this year it is going to be two overs each. How are the bowlers coming along, especially those who don’t play regularly?

Again it will be tough, last year they all done a great job though we did give away a lot of extra’s. They have been practising and that’s all I ask from them.

Is there anyone in the North or a few players who you could say are the ‘danger’ players to your team. Do you have any special plans for them?

Any team you play are a danger. We have to look at all 12 players as danger. We just need to get our basics right and not worry too much about them.

What the South done well last year was that their players who don’t play weekly like Min, Sunny, Tari do chipped in. Raj, Jigs took wickets and Vik, Lal scored runs. Will you be looking for similar contributions this year?

Yes the boys know what they have to do and I hoping everyone will contribute as it will lead to victory if they do.

Fielding is key on a small pitch, the team have been training very hard of the pitch on fitness. Are you confident this training will show in the game?

Yes, the boys have worked hard in the field and in the nets – now is the time to deliver as we move from practice to the real deal.

Rumours have been rife of a mole in the South team – has this upset preparation in anyway or is it business as usual?

Not at all. You can’t just point the finger at anyone, we have just got on with it as a team and it was forgotten as quickly as it was brought up.

Finally do you have a message for your team and fans all over London as you go into Saturdays huge game.

We are gunning for victory, be there to support us, your support is appreciated. I am hoping to get the same support from the boys as last year as well which will inspire us to victory once again! Jai Hind!

With this final statement Daddy J said his goodbyes to the press and left with the MCC.

Monday 20 July 2009

North v South Cricket Match 2008

As we come into the week of the 2009 Chak De Indians Cricket Match we look back fondly on the review of last years match.

South Triumph in SA Epic !

On a beautiful sun drenched day, the Thames Valley University Ground in Ealing was the scene of the inaugural Sharaby Army North v South cricket challenge match and what a pulsating contest it turned out to be !

The two captains met for the toss shortly before the match commenced with South Skipper “ Daddy ”J Patel choosing correctly and not surprisingly, given the look of a under prepared wicket, he asked visiting captain Herbie Jassi to bat first.

Openers Mick Nunwa and Davinder Sagoo duly strode to the crease and battle was about to commence. It was clear from the outset that the North’s game plan was to make sure they saw off the early danger and thus ensure they batted out their full quota of 30 overs. However this policy was scuppered to a degree when Sunny Singh, making the most of pressure put on by Min Duhra’s opening over maiden, got young Davinder to play at one and the ball ballooned straight to J who took the catch easily. The North were 7-1 as No 3 Batsman Raj walked in. The opening bowlers continued to keep things on a very tight rein with Min bowling 3 overs for just one run at one stage and this stranglehold resulted in Raj being dismissed in the 5th over for 6 runs by Jigs Chana and the North were now 15 for 2. Kal Singh now joined Mick at the crease and they set about recovering the situation and Kal after a circumspect start, started to find his form hitting 3 boundaries in quick succession. However, he went for one too many and was well caught by J again at Long On and at this point the North were teetering at 31-3 with 11 overs gone. Deepak Kashyap was the new batsman and after a bit of verbal sparring with Min, he confidently despatched a short ball to the deep mid wicket fence. However disaster struck soon after when he misjudged a slow flighted ball by Raj Popat and was clean bowled. This left North in a perilous position of 37-4 and things got even worse when Vik Gulati, with his very first ball of off spin, got Mick to come down the wicket only for him to miss the flight off the ball, Bill Sidhu then doing the rest behind the wicket nonchantly.

North were now in deep trouble with Harminder Sagoo and Vishal Dutta at the crease….something special was needed and how they delivered. Vish cleverly saw off the express pace of Sunny and then both he and H set about the Souths part timers. Both Batsman played some delightful shots and the run rate was now being accelerated at some pace, with H hitting only boundaries in his innings of 20. Together they took the score beyond the 100 mark and the North were now looking at a very respectful score to set the South later in the day. It was at 121 that H went after a short ball from Kushal Babla but miscued to Avtar Banse. Undeterred Vish continued his marvellous innings and duly Retired Unbeaten at 25 to a tremendous and deserved round of applause by the North team. Gurj Johal and Herbie then came together and Gurj started well hitting a Kush full toss to the fine leg fence. However feeling the effects of a hamstring twinge, he had to call for a runner and so Vish walked back in. Herbie was now beginning to open up and two towering sixes ensued and the lusty blows took North past the 150 mark in the penultimate over, and despite a late flurry of wickets, two to Jigs and one to Vik, the North strode off feeling that they had done as much as they could ( given they were 54-5 at one point ) in setting South a tough run chase.

Following lunch, the South openers Bill and Tarri walked out to face the new ball pair of Bob Singh and Vish. The batsman started well, giving the innings a brisk start, however there was a huge let off when Taari miscued one only for H to drop it, the disappointment was there for all to see. However the North soon hit back, with Bob Singh, clean bowling Bill for 7 and at the other end Vish was bowling a lovely line and length. Min came in and No 3 and the North knew that they had to get him early and this was shown even more so when he clobbered a massive six off a free hit in what was the shot of the day. Together with Tarri now playing confidently at the other end, they began to open up and runs were flowing far too swiftly for the liking of North skipper Herbie. A pivotal moment in the match then occurred, Min nearly holing out to the Long off boundary only for Bob Singh to put down a difficult but catchable chance off the bowling of the unlucky Amar Marwa. Min decided to make the most of his second life and numerous boundaries followed as the South looked set to run away with the game at this point reaching 70 for just one off 13 overs. Tarri and Min were now closing in on their respective 25’s where they had to retire , and the North at this point decided this was their chance to get back in the game. Once both batsman had left to standing ovations from the jubilant South players after playing two lovely knocks, Herbie decided that the pace had to be slowed down and introduced Kal , Balwinder and Gurj into the attack. It was doing the trick as Kush in particular found it difficult to get the ball away…..all three slow right armers were keeping a close rein on things and the required run rate was rapidly increasing. J began to feel he had to take control and attempted to cut one of Gurj’s deliveries only to get a top edge and despite a moment of confusion with Amar, wicket keeper Mick duly snapped up the catch and the North sensed this was their chance. Sandeep Bajaria joined his cousin and its fair to say the Souths innings was stagnating to alarming levels, so much so that only 10 runs were scored in a 5 over spell. Balwinder was now in the middle of a lovely spell and duly picked up both Sandeep and Kushal in quick succession .

The North were now sensing a famous win, although Vik Gulati came in and started to restore normal service for the South hitting two glorious cover drives off Gurj. The brummie though was soon to get sweet revenge in unbelievable circumstances. Vik went after a wide one from Deepak and was sensing another boundary only for Gurj to somehow ( surprising even himself ) pluck it out of thin air to the shear delight of his team mates. Chaos ensued as Gurj set upon a shirt waving celebration that Sourav Ganguly himself would have been proud of . The match was now nip and tuck and set up for a thrilling climax….Jigs and Lal were in the middle and batting sensibly and showing all of their vast experience, hitting loose ones to the fence and taking singles very well but then Balwinder , brought back by Herbie in a last ditch effort, had Jigs plum LBW and umpire Haps Nirwal raised the finger of death. Despite the wicket though, Lal was batting with real confidence and the North were looking at defeat with just 14 needed off 4 overs. Sunny was playing a good supporting role at the other end and together, despite the desperate efforts of the North, they took the South home to a wonderful win . The winning run came via an extra and it was followed by the entire South line up running on to the field, shirts off and being waved in celebration, taking in their moment of triumph. It was a deserved win, following outstanding efforts by Min, Taari and J, who took got a splendid four for plus three catches but let it be said the North more than played their part in what turned out to a classic game of cricket. It was not only the South who had won but the Sharaby Army as a whole too. Roll on 2009’s game.

Wednesday 15 July 2009


Welcome to the Chak De Indians Supporters Club Blog!

We hope to keep this updated with news, pictures, reviews and events of all that goes on within our Club!

We are an Indian cricket supporting club and since we have come together in 2006 we have held numerous events including two dinner and dances, a cricket match with a second game up coming soon, a 25th anniversary celebration of Team India winning the World Cup in 1983, a golf event, a pool competition, we have also held lots of gatherings to view India matches and even had 3 AGM's (we can be serious!!). We also donate to charity yearly and in the last 2 years have raised over £1000 in total

We also follow Team India around the world where and when we can - recent tours include going to the 2007 World Cup in the West Indies, going to all the games when India last toured England, the away tour to Australia in 2008 as well as representing in India when England toured there in 2008, the away tour to New Zealand in 2009, the ICC Twenty20 World Cup in England in 2009 and we will be going to the next ICC Twenty20 World Cup in 2010 in the Caribbean!

We hope you enjoy the blogs

Chak De Indians Supporters Club